
Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

Know Your Roof Forms and Model Homes

The roof of the house is a very important part of the construction of a house. Construction which is located on the upper part has a very vital role in realizing the function as it should. One function of the roof of the house is as retaining rain water into the house. It also serves to protect the house from the heat of the sun that shines during the day. Construction of a house will look as pulling a house can also be determined from the construction of the roof. With such a vital role, the roof of the house is to be considered in building a house. in determining the selection of the material
manufacture roofs, will be discussed below very useful bit of info for you to make the roof of the house in relation to construction materials for roofs determine.

 1 . considering the weatherThe weather is a factor that affects the construction of the roof on your home . Therefore you are requested to correct - be cautious in considering the weather in your area that will build the house . As for example, a roof made of zinc are not suitable for use in locations that often hit the high winds . This is because the material itself is very sensitive to zinc and easy to wind blown by the wind . While the roofing material is suitable for areas with extreme weather are made ​​of concrete that have long-lasting quality of weather extremes .
2 . Noting roof installationInstalling your roof to roof your house design sometimes have material that is easy to install , and sometimes very difficult to install. Therefore, you are asked to pay close attention - what material would really suitable for your roofing installation is easy and does not take long for the installation process . If you're having trouble installing it , you can ask the experts in installing power to set it up .
3 . Taking into account the thickness of roofing materialsThe thickness of a roofing material also has a thicker sizes are different from each other . The thicker the size of the roof more durable quality durability . But there is also a roofing material that is not too thick but still durable . By considering the condition of the house you are building, you can choose the thickness of the roof that fits your home .
4 . Considering the price of the roofIn building a house roof suitable you also have to consider the price of the roofing material . You must be smart in choosing materials that are not too expensive but the quality tends to be long-lasting . This is intended to save money in building your home .
5 . The roof frame houseIt is important in building a house is the roof frame. The roof support structure must be able to withstand long scraping water from rain and the sun . In addition it must be sturdy to support the roof of your house . For that you can choose a heavy material such as cement on the roof support structure.

 Roof Type and Model Homes
There are different variations of the model home, there are also variations in the roof of the house that can be used include:

 roof tiles
This type of roof is very familiar on the design of houses in Indonesia. Tile can be distinguished by its raw materials including clay, concrete, fiberglass or asbestos, zinc, glass. Tile shape has wide variations that can be selected according to the taste of the homeowner.

roof shingles
The roof model uses a wooden board material of a certain size that is designed according to the model home. The shingle roof can absorb the sun's heat so well that can provide coolness on occupancy. Wood is commonly used for roofing shingles are having ironwood durable characteristics. The downside of this type of roofing material is expensive and also difficult to get quality ironwood.
The roof Rumbia
Sago palm leaf material is arranged into a roof. The roof model is very natural and traditional. Widely used in homes in the remote countryside.

PVC roof
PVC can also be used in the manufacture of the canopy


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